Teaching the World
is a collection of materials produced by the area studies or international studies National Resource Centers (NRCs) that are partially funded by the U.S. Department of Education. NRCs are mandated to conduct outreach activities for K–16 educators and students through educational training, cultural events, and other programming. NRC resources are available locally and nationally and include virtual classroom visits, training workshops and seminars, multimedia materials, lesson plans, and more. The site also features a special section with resources just for community college educators!
IFLE Group on Open Educational Resource Commons
A repository for resources developed with the support of Fulbright-Hays and Title VI grants.
South Asian Open Archives (SAOA)
The South Asia Open Archives (SAOA), a subset of the South Asia Materials Project (SAMP), creates and maintains a collection of open access materials for the study of South Asia. This major collaborative initiative is aimed at addressing the current scarcity of digital resources pertinent to South Asian studies and at making collections more widely accessible both to North American scholars and to researchers worldwide.
South Asian American Digital Archives (SAADA)
SAADA is a community-based culture change organization ensuring that South Asian Americans are included in the American story: past, present, and future.
Click here for more information.