Deven M. Patel


Associate Professor, Department of South Asia Studies


Williams Hall


Ph.D. University of California at Berkeley

M.A. University of California at Berkeley

B.A. Columbia

Research Interests

Sanskrit language and literature (belles-lettres, epics, and drama); traditions of South Asian grammar and linguistics; the history, aesthetics, and reception of Indian literatures; Indian philosophy and intellectual history; Pali, Prakrit, Hindi and Gujarati language and literature; translation theory.

Selected Publications


  • Text to Tradition: The Naiṣadhīyacarita and Literary Community in South Asia (Columbia University Press, 2014)

Selected Journal Articles 

  • “Source, Exegesis, and Translation: Sanskrit Commentary and Regional Language Translation in South Asia.”  Journal of the American Oriental Society, Volume 131, No. 2 (April-June 2011), pp. 245-266.
  • “Shared Typologies of Kāmaśāstra, Alaṅkāraśāstra and Literary Criticism.” Journal of Indian Philosophy, Volume 39, No.1 (February 2011), pp. 101-122.
  • "Sanskrit Poetry." The New Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics, 4th Edition.  Ed. Greene and Cushman. Princeton University Press, 2012.  Pp. 1250-1255.
  • "Mettābhāvanā in Traditional and Popular Buddhist Contexts."  Asian Philosophy, Volume 23 (4): 323-340 (2013).