Sugra Bibi holds a PhD in History from the University of London and an MA in History from the University of Pennsylvania, and has a background in public policy making and international development. She has presented and taught on South Asia and the Middle East to a variety of learners from high-school students to mature students. She has taught at the American University, Cleveland State University, Johns Hopkins University, Temple University, Philadelphia Community College, and local High Schools.
The Punjab, Punjabi Laborers, and the global economy.
• The South Asian Experience in the Caribbean
• An Introduction to South Asian History
• Middle Eastern Cultures and Civilizations
• An Introduction to the Middle East
• Diversity and K-12 Education
PhD thesis. The Remittance Cultures of Indian Laborers: The Punjab 1850-1947.
M.A thesis. Living and Dying in the Zonguldak Mines: A Coalminer's Memoir.