Go deeper in your Penn global education by becoming a student journalist for the Pulitzer Center, a leading journalism organization with deep experience covering global issues. Previous journalism is not a requirement but an open mind and a willingness to write, photograph and/or create videos is necessary. Pulitzer Center editors work closely with the fellows on storytelling strategies, reporting methods and travel logistics. The fellows will participate in a Pulitzer Center-conducted workshop before leaving for their international site, as well as mentorship and editorial support in the field.
The three winning fellows, one focused on South Asia, one focused on Latin America or the Caribbean and one focused on the Middle East or North Africa, will complete news articles, short videos, slideshows or other media products, with editorial support and mentorship. In addition to helping illuminate another part of the world for the Penn community and beyond, the fellows’ work will be published on the Pulitzer Center site and possibly other outlets. The fellows will also be expected to participate in outreach efforts for South Asia Center (SAC), Penn in Latin America and the Caribbean (PLAC) and Middle East Center (MEC) upon return to campus.
The winning fellows will receive $3,500 upon completion of the deliverables, plus invaluable editorial support and mentorship.
The fellowship program is the result of collaboration between the South Asia Center (SAC), Penn in Latin America and the Caribbean(PLAC), the Middle East Center(MEC)and Penn Globalat the University of Pennsylvania as well as the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting.
Applicants should be committed to taking on the role of a journalist for the course of the fellowship for a minimum of 8-10 weeks[BN2] . This means asking questions and going deeper into stories. To get a handle on the differences between journalism and advocacy or public relations, please read the Pulitzer Center’s Ethics and Standards Policy.
Who: Penn graduate and undergraduatestudents who meet Penn Global’s eligibility guidelines (all listed on the funding page).
Where: Countries approved for safe travel within South Asia, Latin America, the Caribbean, the Middle East or North Africa.
When: The 2019 application deadline: 11:59PM on Sunday January 6, 2019.
The fellows will be selected and announced by Friday, February 22nd. They will be expected to complete work associated with the fellowship by the end of August 2019.
How: The fellows will be expected to produce several media pieces such as blog posts for the Pulitzer Center website, articles, video and/or slideshows. The fellows will work with Pulitzer Center editors to determine a set of deliverables for the project appropriate to the fellow’s past experience. The Center will provide technical and editorial support through the planning, reporting, and writing/production phases of the fellowship.
What We Look For: The strongest applications will identify an untold story and present a clear, succinct plan for telling that story. Take a look at past reporting on the Pulitzer Center's site to get an idea of how journalists pitch their projects and to avoid pitching a story idea that has already been covered.
Representatives of the SAC, PLAC and MEC at Penn and the Pulitzer Center will evaluate applications and choose the fellow. If you have questions about the grant or the Pulitzer Center, please contact Lauren Shepherd at lshepherd@pulitzercenter.org.
To Apply, download the application form and follow the instructions. Submit no later than the deadline, 11:59PM on Sunday January 6, 2019. Download application here: Pulitzer Student Fellowship Application 2019 .pdf