On August 15, 2018, 25 educators attended SAC’s first teacher training at Montgomery County Community College (MCCC) entitled, “Teaching Hinduism: Ideas, Challenges, Politics,” led by Dr. Davesh Soneji. The workshop provided perspectives on teaching one the world’s oldest and perhaps also most misunderstood religious traditions, Hinduism. Dr. Soneji, offered a post-colonial take on the complexities of representing Hinduism to young people in the North American public-school system. During his presentation, Dr. Soneji challenged teacher’s to re-evaluate the history of European and Abrahamic readings of Hindu traditions; explained the nature of Hindu “theology,” philosophy and ethics, and ritual practice; dove into the plurality and diversity within various Hindu contexts; discussed issues related to social power, such as caste and gender, in Hindu contexts; and finally, addressed the rise of the “Hindu right” and the politicization of Hindu traditions in today’s globalized world.