During the week of July 17-21, 2017, the Middle East Center, the South Asia Center, the Department of Africana Studies, the Center for East Asian Studies and Penn Museum, organized a workshop titled "Legendary Empires: Power, People & Politics: A Workshop for Teachers" on empires in the past and the present. Dr. Brian Spooner, Dr. Tuna Artun, Mr. Brahim El Guabli, Mr. David Dettman and Dr. Lee Cassanelli among others gave presentations from different regional perspectives on various perspectives the notion of empire. Al-Bustan Seeds of Culture gave a performance where they displayed Arabic and African music and teachers toured the Art Museums South Asia Gallery's and earned how to tech empire through museum resources through a lecture from Dr. Deven Patel. They were also trained in how to use archival material from Van Pelt Library's Rare Books and Manuscripts South Asia Collection in curriculum development. Throughout the week, the teachers had the opportunity to engage with scholars from wide range of disciplines in various discussions. Teachers ultimately developed grade appropriate lessons planes related to a critical teaching of empire which they plan to incorporate into the 2017/2018 school year.