Foreign Language & Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowships Are Available for Summer 2017 and the 2017-18 Academic Year!
The Penn National Resource Centers will award FLAS Fellowships for Summer 2017 and AY 2017-18 to Penn undergraduate and graduate students engaged in pursuing modern language study. A variety of South Asian, African, and Middle Eastern language study options are available to Penn students, both domestic and abroad.
Applications are due Sunday, April 2, 2017 at 11:59pm
Who is Eligible to Apply?
(1) Graduate students who are US citizens or permanent residents AND who are enrolled (or accepted for enrollment) in a program that combines modern foreign language training with international or area studies or with the international aspects of professional or other fields of study, OR
(2) Undergraduates who are US citizens or permanent residents AND who have declared a major by the application deadline AND who will study a FLAS language at the intermediate or advanced level during the fellowship summer or academic year.
FLAS awards may be used by students participating in official overseas language programs, and in very limited cases, for dissertators. Please see the FLAS FAQ section of our web site, or contact the relevant FLAS Coordinator, for more information.
What are the Benefits for Penn Students?
- Graduate academic year FLAS Fellows will receive $18,000 toward tuition and a $15,000 stipend.
- Undergraduate academic year FLAS Fellows will receive $10,000 toward tuition and a $5,000 stipend.
- Summer FLAS Fellows will receive $5,000 toward tuition and a $2,500 stipend.
Fellowship Requirements
Academic Year Fellows: The successful applicant must enroll each semester of the Fellowship year in a FLAS-approved language and in full-time study in either area studies or professional studies related to the world area where the FLAS language is spoken. Undergraduates must enroll each semester in a language course at the intermediate level or higher.
Summer Fellows: The successful applicant must enroll in a formal domestic or overseas program of intensive language study during the summer. Students at the beginning (graduate only) and intermediate levels are expected to attend domestic or overseas programs offering a minimum of 140 contact hours of instruction, while advanced students may attend programs with fewer hours (but not less than 120).
Can I Use a FLAS Fellowship to Study Abroad?
YES! FLAS may be used at Penn or abroad, for:
Academic Year
- Domestic full-time language and area or international studies.
- Overseas full-time language and area or international studies.
- Domestic beginning, intermediate and advanced intensive language programs.
- Overseas intermediate and advanced intensive language programs.
Students may propose to use FLAS to study overseas at approved programs. Students wishing to use an award for an overseas program must be at the intermediate or advanced level of language proficiency. Graduate students may use an award for beginning level study abroad if an appropriate beginning language program in the student’s language is not available in the United States. Check with the relevant FLAS Coordinator at Penn to see whether your intended overseas language program is approved. Learn more